Lien permanent

Jerry Lewis, né le 16 mars 1926, 12h15 à Newark (NJ)
[74.10W 40.44N / 5O00, 17h15 T.U.]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 25° 21' 15° 10' 16° 00' 25° 22' 25° 25' 27° 57' 13° 11' 41' 28° 17' 12° 36' 17° 22' 23° 25' 22° 35' 22° 41' 27° 00' 25° 59' 47'
Auteur : According to Bonhams, the reverse side was stamped with "Paramount Photo by Bud Fraker". According to, Fraker was born in 1916, died in 2002, and worked as Director of Still Photography at Columbia and later Paramount.
Crédits : Scan via Bonhams. Retouched by uploader to remove Lewis's autograph, remove minor damage, convert to black and white rather than faded orange, and other minor changes.
Licence : Public domain
Né le : mardi 16 mars 1926 à 12h15
à :Newark (NJ) (États-Unis)
Soleil :25°22' PoissonsAS : 17°22' Cancer
Lune :0°41' Taureau MC : 27°57' Poissons
Dominantes :Poissons, Cancer, Taureau
Soleil, Uranus, Pluton
Maisons 9, 10, 8 / Eau, Terre / Cardinal
Astrologie Chinoise :Tigre de Feu
Numérologie :chemin de vie 1
Taille :Jerry Lewis mesure 1m83 (6')
Vues : 58 703
Positions des maisons
Maison 1 17°22' Cancer
Maison 2 6°55' Lion
Maison 3 29°25' Lion
Maison 4 27°57' Vierge
Maison 5 4°10' Scorpion
Maison 6 13°24' Sagittaire
Maison 7 17°22' Capricorne
Maison 8 6°55' Verseau
Maison 9 29°25' Verseau
Maison 10 27°57' Poissons
Maison 11 4°10' Taureau
Maison 12 13°24' Gémeaux
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